Help with a single project or make it a routine!

In 2024, more than 150 members of our community served as volunteers at the Food Bank. Their 7,000+ hours of service made a big difference in our capacity to fight hunger! Volunteers work in all aspects of the Food Bank: truck driving and grocery order packing, food sorting and truck unloading, cardboard flattening and double bagging, office administration help and garden tending.
Warehouse Support- Fridays: 10:30 am - 12 pm (1 volunteer needed)
Admin/Office Assistant- Wednesdays between 1-5 pm (1 volunteer needed) (hours are flexible, can be any shift between 1-5 pm)
Food Recovery Truck Driver - Monday and Tuesday mornings. (We are always looking to add volunteer drivers to the team)
On-Call Substitute - Various times. Step in to volunteer for an open shift when one of our regular weekly volunteers calls out.
Most volunteer roles are a regular weekly shift.
Grocery Packer - Packing custom-ordered groceries for customers (either customer pick up or home delivery).
Customer Check-In - Greet and check-in customers on in-person shopping days.
Bag Processing - Sort, organize, and prepare bags for in-person shopping and home deliveries.
Repackaging - Sort food and repackage into individual sizes for customers.
Food Recovery Truck Driver - Drive a box truck off island or uptown.
Home Delivery Driver - Deliver custom-packed groceries to home delivery customers using volunteer’s own vehicle or the food bank van.
Warehouse Support- Unload a truck, sort, repack, break down cardboard boxes, clean and organize warehouse.
Recycling Support- Haul cardboard to the recycle center.
Facilities Cleaning and Upkeep - General warehouse support and cleaning.
Admin/Office Assistant- Assist with data input and provide basic office support.
Community Fundraising Ambassador- Help with food drives and special events.
On-Call Substitute - Step in to volunteer for an open shift when one of our regular weekly volunteers calls out.
Board Directors and Committee Advisors - Serve on the board of directors or a committee.
Please fill out the Volunteer Application form below. Once your completed application is received, our Volunteer Program Manager will reach out to you to discuss next steps!
Help with a single project or make it a routine!
the gift of time
"One of the best aspects of working with volunteers is they really want to be there, engaged with their work. Giving people an opportunity to make a difference is a worthy calling."
— Leslie Hauck, Volunteer Program Manager
A special thank you to the over 250 volunteers who helped in 2022