Vashon Food Bank Staff
Since its inception in the 1970s, the Vashon Community Food Bank has grown as the need on Vashon has expanded. Food insecurity has now become one of the most pressing social issues on Vashon, with at least one-in-seven households relying on our resources. Now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we have a complement of full and part-time staff, and are governed by a board of directors.
From managing volunteers and distribution to developing programs and services, the work we do would be impossible without our dedicated staff:
Executive Director
Emily Scott moved to Vashon Island in 2012 to work at Pacific Crest Farm after a two-year stint with the Peace Corps in Senegal, West Africa. Emily then worked at the Vashon Food Bank as Volunteer Program Manager from 2013-2017, at which point her interest in food systems and public policy led her to get her Masters in Public Administration from the UW Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. MPA in hand, Emily returned to the Vashon Food Bank in 2019 as Executive Director. Aside from equitable food systems and public policy, Emily’s interests include fruit and vegetable costumes (of all shapes and sizes), roller skating, crafting and passive water sports.
Operations Manager
Duncan Goulding moved to Vashon from Seattle with his family in 2016. He joined the staff at the Food Bank in May of 2020. Duncan’s main hobbies have included listening to music, traveling, listening to music while traveling, and ping pong. Any vegetable costume quickly becomes his favorite vegetable costume to wear.
Warehouse & Distributions Coordinator
Michael Whitmore is a third generation Angeleno, Michael Whitmore first moved to Vashon in 2005, moved off in 2008 and then moved back again for good in 2010. He has donned many a hat living here — musician, sound engineer, bartender, vinyl record barker, writer, music historian, music booker, artist, curator, house painter and very often a DJ (he also co-hosts the Friday Morning Scramble on our local KVSH 101.9FM). And on a good night, with the right or even the wrong ingredients, he’s a surprisingly good cook. Though on the best nights, Whitmore will be found wandering the streets of western Washington, in search of getting his spice on with a steaming bowl of Pho or Ramen. Though not currently available in the food bank’s costume closet, Michael’s favorite fruit/vegetable costume is, definitely, broccoli with a creamy cheese sauce.
Financial Operations Manager
Kirstin joined our staff in August of 2023. Along with her family, she has been nurtured by the amazing island community for 30 years, so she jumped at the chance to join the team and help build and sustain the systems that provide food for the community. Like so many before her, she’s used a political science degree to work in numerous fields - most not related to politics. She has raised two Vashon-native daughters and served on the boards of Preserve out Island and the Vashon Scholarship Foundation. Her free time is spent hiking, kayaking, road-tripping, schmoozing with friends, and/or schmoozing with friends while hiking, kayaking, and road-tripping. Kirstin is still wandering the produce section, trying out the selection, but so far, she is partial to the pineapple.
Capital Campaign Manager
Minta comes from Eugene, Or where her parents instilled in her a love of nature, family, community service, and working to be true to herself. She's lived all over the PNW, with a two year stint in Barcelona. Her entire 16+ year-career (but for 6 mos.) has been in the nonprofit sector, always in fundraising, communications, and leadership positions. Minta has a (somewhat rare) love of fundraising, and feels proud to help raise the money needed to do critical work in her communities. She has lived in Seattle for the last 13 years, but has ties to Vashon, and a love for the art and quirks that the island is known for far and wide (particularly the Vashon artists that perform at the Oregon Country Fair, as she's attended every year of her life). Minta recently married the best person in the world, and enjoys reading, kayaking, snuggling, walking, cake baking, traveling, and hanging with her nieces, nephews, and goddaughter.
Volunteer Program Manager
Talia was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, and moved to Chicago in 2013 to study Communications at Loyola University Chicago. After graduating, she worked in nonprofit management supporting various organizations from small neighborhood chambers of commerce to large member-based nonprofits. In 2021, she left Chicago to pursue her love of organic farming and gardening. She worked on farms in Illinois, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and California, eventually landing on Vashon Island! She now lives on a farm on the Island and grows food, herbs, and flowers. She is passionate about the Vashon community and is thrilled to support the mission of the Food Bank and the many volunteers who make the Food Bank possible. Outside of work, you can find Talia in her garden, at the Saturday Vashon Farmers Market, or collecting shells and cool rocks on the beach with her friends.
Warehouse & Distributions Coordinator
Andy is a retired army veteran who has spent time working and living all over the world. He hails from Texas and California but upon retirement he had no idea where he wanted to live, until he found Vashon in the summer of 2022. He knows he will always be new to the island but that’s ok so long as he gets to know and become part of the community. In addition to working at the Vashon Food Bank, he’s a drummer, writing and recording with his band 2-3 days a week on island. Other prior and current undertakings on island include volunteering as a bartender and member of the board (2023-2024) at the Vashon Fraternal Order of Eagles, a glorious stint at the Vashon Liquor Store, and losing many a disc at the B.A.R.C. disc golf course. Looking forward to meeting you all and petting your dogs! My favorite produce costume is likely a Clausen dill pickle, chilled of course.
Social Media & Communications Associate
In June 2024, Alison Bagby moved to Vashon well, for love, and also to satisfy a long-standing desire for a more rural life-especially for her children. She left behind a decade as a single mom and 18 years managing her upscale vegan restaurant in the Bay Area, CA. She has always been passionate about helping people and animals in need, and she is excited to continue this mission through creative, meaningful work with the Vashon Food Bank. Alison loves music, arranging flowers, word games, climbing, pickleball, standing against oppression, making guacamole, and visiting farm sanctuaries. She makes costumes for her two daughters and loves spending as much time as possible, ideally outdoors, with her partner, children, and their dog, Moose. Alison looks forward to exploring the Food Bank’s highly anticipated costume closet, hoping to find a watermelon or avocado in there.