Nourishing Our Community


Register for Our Free Grocery Services

Regístrese para nuestros servicios de comestibles gratuitos


Our Services


In-Person Shopping & Grocery Pick-up at Sunrise Ridge, 10030 SW 210th St:
Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Compras y recogida de comestibles en persona en Sunrise Ridge, 10030 SW 210th St: Miércoles, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm y 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Groceries will be delivered on Thursdays and Fridays, 11:00am-2:00pm

Los comestibles se entregarán los jueves y viernes, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Please submit home delivery shopping list by Wednesday at 5pm. Instructions for submitting menu can be found here

Questions or to sign-up for home delivery: Call (206) 463-6332 or email

Picnics in the PArk / Picnics en el parque

Free Lunch and Activities for Kids and Teens / Almuerzo Gratuito y Actividades Para Niños y Adolescentes

Monday - Friday, June 24 - August 30 / Lunes a Viernes, 24 de Junio - 30 de Agosto

Ober Park: 11am - 12:30pm

BARC Skate Park: 1:00 - 2:00pm (No service August 26 - 30th)



80% of our operating budget comes from on-Island contributions. We rely on local donations to meet the expanding need on the Island.


Volunteers make our world go round. We need your help to run all the services, programs and education resources that feed our community.

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Nourishing Our Community

our mission

To work in partnership with our community to increase our island's food security and connect people to the supporting resources they need to thrive.

The Vashon Food Bank supports racial, social and economic justice and strives for equity through access to nutritious food.

food donations

To supplement the food we receive from Food Lifeline and other food donation programs we are currently looking to source:

  • Peanut Butter

  • Spaghetti Noodles

  • Chicken or Vegetable Broth

  • Canned Tuna

Non-perishable, unexpired food can be dropped off any day of the week in our blue donation shed on-site at our Distribution Center at Sunrise Ridge.

Perishable foods can be donated directly to staff. Please do not leave perishable foods in the shed or left outside.

If you are a farm or gardener with an overflow of produce to donate, contact to coordinate.

We envision a vibrant, economically and culturally diverse island community that is free from hunger. Community supported, we are a vital resource for those who live or work on Vashon Island.



In 2023, over 190 volunteers donated over 8,139 hours to help the Food Bank - from food distribution to special programs like Picnics to Go - we can’t do this without you.



Years Serving VASHON

Vashon’s Food Bank was started in the basement of the Presbyterian Church in the late 1970s and was incorporated as a non-profit organization in December 1991. We have been offering free groceries to Vashon residents ever since, through direct grocery distribution and innovative programming.




The changing economy has brought about a major shift in how we view food insecurity and hunger; they are part of our everyday language. At least one-in-seven households on Vashon rely on Food Bank resources.



The Food Bank’s services have evolved along with the changing needs of our community. We offer multiple services, including a program of once a week in-person shopping and grocery pick up, as well as a hugely expanded home delivery program. Additional programs like Picnics in the Parks, Harvest for Vashon, and the Food Bank Garden add to the diverse ways the Vashon Food Bank meets the island’s needs.


Grocery shopping

Customers have the option of shopping in-person or choosing to do grocery pickup, where customers submit an order, come to our site, and wait outside while volunteers pack their groceries. Both of these services are offered two times on Wednesdays, 10am - 2pm and 4pm - 7pm.


HOME delivery

For some, getting to the Food Bank is a challenge, so each Thursday and Friday are our Home Delivery Days. Teams of volunteers - packers and drivers - pack nutritious groceries and deliver to all parts of Vashon Island.

PICNICS in the parks

Picnics in the Parks was created to ensure that children on free/reduced lunches from the School District continue to have access to healthy food over the summer.


FALL 2020

Growing up my mother used to feed me and my siblings by going to the food bank. She didn’t talk about it much and I was too young to think much about it. As an adult I did not use the gift of the food bank much but when COVID happened I lost my job and did not receive unemployment for over 4 months. The food bank literally saved my life. It feels like Christmas every week. Thank you.

Vashon Food Bank Customer

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